

This Book Is Full of Holes

Nora Nickum

This book is chock full of holes—shallow and miles deep, microscopic and visible from space, human-caused and natural, mysterious and maddeningly familiar.

When you think of holes, what comes to mind? Maybe the irritating hole in your sock. Or the hole on the shelf where you plucked out this book. But did you know there are holes that suddenly devour entire gas stations? Big holes in the ocean that are visible from space? Small holes in balls that prevent a backyard home run?

A hole is a part of something where there’s nothing at all. Holes are investigated by scientists, used by artists, designed by engineers, and fixed by problem-solvers. 

They can be natural or human-made, big or small, plentiful or scarce, mysterious or painfully familiar. Many are important to our everyday lives, whether we give them credit or not.

A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection

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34 Amazing Facts about Natural Wonders

Matt Doeden

Earth is a strange and wondrous place. Discover incredible facts about the planet's saltiest seas, tallest mountains, largest organisms, and more in this fun book! Beautiful photographs provides context and take readers on adventures around the globe.

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Eating My Words

Brian P. Cleary

At lunch, / I ate three cans / of alphabet soup. / An hour later / I had / thesaurus / throat / ever.

Brian Cleary brings his trademark humor and wordplay to middle grade readers in this poetry collection. Featuring limericks, concrete poems, haiku, quatrains, acrostics, and much more, the book is in equal parts entertaining and educational. Spot illustrations accompany the poems, as do brief notes about poetic forms and poetic devices. An exceedingly accessible resource for poetry month--and all year round!






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What's Inside A Bird's Nest?

Rachel Ignotofsky

Discover the next nonfiction picture book about eggs, nests, and birds from the creator of the New York Times bestseller Women in Science, Rachel Ignotofsky!

Want to learn more about the bird that chirps outside your window? Ignotofsky crafts a perfect read out loud with a touch of humor and compassion for our friends with wings in the sky!

Find out more from the moment they hatch, to how they create their homes in this perfectly detailed and soon-to-be springtime favorite read!

Rachel Ignotofsky's beautiful, distinctive art style and engaging, informative text clearly answers any questions a child (or adult) could have about birds, eggs, and nests in this nonfiction picture book series.

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What Is a Solar Eclipse?

Dana Meachen Rau

Learn about the phenomenon of a solar eclipse just in time for the Great American Eclipse that will take place on April 8, 2024 in this title in the Who HQ Now series featuring newsmakers and trending topics.

Just in time for the third North American total solar eclipse of the twenty-first century, this book explains how to safely observe solar eclipses, how long eclipses last, and why they result in a blackout period during the day. Young armchair astronomers and astronauts will be inspired by the wonders of outer space and what exists beyond our atmosphere as they learn more about the moon, the sun, and our earth. What really happens during a solar eclipse and how does it affect the energy in our atmosphere? You'll find the most up-to-date eclipse information in this exciting new book.

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Diario de Un Unicornio #5: Iris Y La Sirenita (Bo and the Merbaby)

Rebecca Elliott

Bo helps a mermaid in this magical early chapter book from the USA Today bestselling author of Owl Diaries!


En el quinto libro de la serie Diario de un Unicornio, de Rebecca Elliott, autora en la lista de libros más vendidos de USA Today, el unicornio Iris y sus amigos se proponen ayudar a una sirenita que no puede nadar. En su viaje en busca de una legendaria semidiosa llamada Carpa Dorada, los unicornios conocen a un hombre lobo amigable y ¡aprenden nuevas acrobacias acuáticas! Pero al final, también aprenden que la sirenita Alga es perfecta tal como es. Con este libro, lleno de ilustraciones coloridas y muchas sonrisas, ¡los jóvenes lectores no podrán parar de leer!


In the fifth book of USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Elliott's Unicorn Diaries series, unicorn Bo and friends set out to help a merbaby, who was born unable to swim on her own. On their journey to find a legendary demigod called The Golden Fish they meet a friendly werewolf and learn some cool new water tricks! And in the end, they learn that merbaby Flo is perfect just the way she is. With full-color artwork throughout and plenty of smiles, your young reader won't be able to put this book down!


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¿¡Aventura En París!? / Tales from a Not-So-Posh Paris Adventure

Rachel Renée Russell


¡Súper chic! ¿¡Nikki visitará la ciudad del amor?!
No te pierdas esta aventura en el decimoquinto volumen de la serie «Diario de Nikki», el diario en el que Nikki le da vueltas a todo...

¿Se las arreglará Nikki para visitar al fin París? ¿O acabará organizando una recogida de fondos con temática parisina para ayudar al refugio de animales de Brandon, el chico que le gusta, junto a sus amigas? ¡El drama está servido!


Nikki Maxwell deals with the trials and triumphs of middle school in this fifteenth installment of the #1 New York Times bestselling Dork Diaries series!

Ooh la la! Nikki Maxwell and her band are on their way to Paris, but they run into some roadblocks on the way... And Nikki's French skills may not be as reliable as she hoped! Can she get them moving again in time to reach their destination?


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Pucio rośnie zdrowo

Marta Galewska-Kustra

Rośnij zdrowo z Puciem! Pucio jest zawsze chętny do zabawy! Poćwicz razem z nim: pomachaj rękami, pokiwaj głową i potup wesoło! A potem pomóż mu wybrać ubranie - jakie będzie najlepsze zimą, a jakie latem? Pucio uwielbia również jeździć na torze rowerowym. Wkłada wtedy swoje odjazdowe ochraniacze i... zaraz, zaraz, czy czegoś tu nie brakuje? Podpowiesz mu, o czym zapomniał? Co za pech, nie ma też bidonu! Teraz trzeba kupić coś do picia. Zrób z Puciem zdrowe zakupy na straganie. To był fantastyczny, choć męczący dzień. Po zabawie trzeba umyć ręce, zjeść pyszną kolację i odpocząć. Ty też odpocznij - jutro znowu pomożesz Puciowi rosnąć zdrowo! Celem tej interaktywnej książki jest wyrabianie zdrowych nawyków u dzieci.

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Una familia desconectada

Amélie Javaux

Sinopsis: Cookie era el perro más feliz del mundo... Hasta que llegaron a su casa las tabletas, los móviles, las videoconsolas... Está harto de que su familia se pase todo el día delante de una pantalla. ¡Tiene que desconectarlos! -- (Fuente:

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La Muestra de Talentos (Confetti Kids #11)

Samantha Thornhill

En este nuevo libro de la serie popular Confetti Kids, Henry está nervioso por bailar para la muestra de talentos de la escuela.

In this new book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Henry is nervous about sharing his dance moves at the school talent show.

Todos están entusiasmados con la muestra de talentos de la escuela, excepto Henry. Sus amigos suponen que tocará la batería, pero Henry tiene un talento secreto que nunca antes ha compartido. Con la ayuda de su mamá y su pareja, Joy, Henry aprende que a veces debes ser valiente y mostrarle al mundo todas las cosas que amas.

In this story, everyone at school is excited about the upcoming talent show--except for Henry. His friends assume he'll play the drums, but Henry has a secret talent that he's never shared with them before. With the help of his mom and her partner, Joy, Henry learns that sometimes you must be brave and show the world all the things you love.

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Un Adiós Especial

Samantha Thornhill

En este nuevo libro de la serie popular Confetti Kids, Mei aprende cómo sobrellevar el cierre de la tienda de sus padres con la ayuda de sus mejores amigos.

In this new book in the popular Confetti Kids series, Mei learns how to cope with the closing of her parents' flower shop with the help of her best friends.

Mei se entristece al enterarse que sus padres deben cerrar su floristería debido al aumento del alquiler. No le parece justo a Mei. Su familia trabajaba muy duro todos los días en la tienda, ¿y para qué? Con la ayuda de sus amigos, Mei descubre cuánto significaba su pequeña floristería para todos en el vecindario.

In this story, Mei is saddened to learn that her parents must close their flower shop due to the rising cost of rent. It doesn't seem fair to Mei. Her family worked so hard every day at the shop, and for what? With the help of her friends, Mei learns just how much their little flower shop meant to everyone in the neighborhood.

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Pucio mówi dzień dobry

Marta Galewska-Kustra

Pucio and Misia are happy to start the day. They greet the sun, a squirrel spotted outside the window, and even cars on the street. Then they brush their teeth, dress, eat breakfast. They also do not forget to feed the dog and cat. Little readers accompany them in each activity, as this interactive book encourages the little ones to imitate their favorite characters, making morning chores great fun.

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La Princesa de Negro Y La Feria de Ciencias / The Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare

Shannon Hale

¡La Feria de Ciencias es un caos! Un monstruo viscoso es el desafío para la Princesa de Negro. Por fortuna, otras princesas amantes de la ciencia están disponibles también para ayudar.

La princesa Magnolia está emocionada. Emocionada y nerviosa. Va a asistir a la Feria de Ciencias para presentar su cartel sobre semillas y plantas, y cuando llega, ¡ve que sus amigas también están allí! Una creó un hábitat para topos, otra construyó una torre de cobijas y Tomás Copetudo tiene un volcán parlante que dice "¡COMEEER!" Pero, espera...

Un monstruo viscoso aparece de sorpresa. Este es un trabajo para la Princesa de Negro, y la Princesa Encobijada está allí para darle una mano. ¿Serán suficientes dos heroínas enmascaradas para salvar la Feria de Ciencias? Un poco de resolución científica y mucho poder de princesa harán que esta sexta entrega de la serie más vendida del New York Times sea un éxito.


It's mayhem at the science fair! A squishy goo monster is a challenge for the Princess in Black -- but luckily some science-loving princesses are on hand to help.

Princess Magnolia is excited. Excited and nervous. She's going to the Interkingdom Science Fair today to present her poster about seeds and plants, and when she arrives, she sees that her friends are there too! Princess Honeysuckle made a mole habitat, Princess Sneezewort has built a blanket fort, and Tommy Wigtower has a talking volcano that's saying "EAAAAT!" Wait, what? A surprise goo monster makes this a job for the Princess in Black, and the Princess in Blankets is on the scene to lend a hand. But will two masked heroes be enough to save the science fair? A little scientific problem-solving -- and a lot of princess power -- will make the sixth entry in the New York Times best-selling series a smash hit.

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Nuestras Tradiciones (Our Traditions)

Jennifer Kaul

Inspira jóvenes curiosos a explorar los símbolos y las tradiciones estadounidenses a lo largo de la historia y cómo es la vida en EE. UU. hoy en día

Parte de una serie inspirante que apoya el aprendizaje acerca del gobierno y el civismo en un EE. UU. contemporáneo a través de eventos históricos y las personas que formaron los mismos. Nuestras tradiciones interconecta contexto,
personalidades y eventos históricos y las experiencias de estadounidenses modernos. Ayudará los estudiantes a entender temas claves de estudios sociales, como los orígenes de instituciones y valores de EE. UU. y la relevancia que tienen a las vidas de jóvenes hoy.

El libro explora los orígenes y la importancia de los símbolos de EE. UU., como la bandera y el Juramento, la Casa Blanca y el Capitolio. Explica días feriados nacionales y tradiciones claves, como el Día de los Veteranos, el Día del Trabajo y el Día de Acción de Gracias. ¿Cómo surgieron estos símbolos y tradiciones y cómo impactan en la vida contemporánea?

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Madre de los tiburones

Melissa Cristina Márquez

La científica de tiburones galardonada como una de las 30 menores de 30 de Forbes en 2021 entre otros honores y mundialmente reconocida Melissa Cristina Márquez se une a la premiada ilustradora Devin Elle Kurtz para crear un impactante libro ilustrado que explora el viaje personal de Melissa desde su inquisitive niñez y amor hacia el océano en Puerto Rico hasta ser llamada la Madre de los Tiburones.

A medida que el sol se pone sobre otro hermoso día en la Playita Del Condado en Puerto Rico, Meli no quiere irse a casa. Le encanta el océano más que nada, y con solo cinco minutos de playa sabe exactamente dónde debería estar su última parada: las pozas de marea. Son pequeños universos llenos de vida y criaturas marinas.

Mientras mira dentro de las pozas, se encuentra con un cangrejo, Jaiba, que la lleva a una aventura submarina de ensueño, le enseña sobre la importancia de la conservación de los tiburones y revela el destino final de Meli: convertirse en la “Madre de los Tiburones”.

Mezclando lo autobiográfico con lo fantástico, Melissa Cristina Márquez comparte su increíble travesia no sólo para disipar mitos sobre estas criaturas incomprendidas sino también para allanar el camino para que las latinas despunten en STEM. Combinado con las vibrantes y emotivas ilustraciones de Devin Elle Kurtz, este libro es un viaje irresistible a través de las maravillas del océano y, sobre todo, un grito de Guerra por la conservación marina.

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Gdzie Jest Dory

Suzanne Francis

"Dory has always suffered from short-term memory loss. Then she suddenly remembers her parents. Join in the fun as Dory and her friends set off on an unforgettable adventure to find her family."--Record for an English edition.

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Los Robotones Y La Hidra de Lerna

Oriol Canosa

La nave HMIS Hércules tiene la peor tripulación interestelar que haya salido jamás de la Tierra. Tienen suerte de contar con sus robots, que se encargan de las misiones que no quiere hacer nadie con dos dedos de frente. Su primera misión: ir al planeta Lerna a liberar a sus habitantes de un terrible monstruo que los atormenta día y noche.

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La oruga muy hambrienta

Eric Carle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is inarguably one of the most popular children's books of all time. Now, here is the Spanish board book version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, filling an important niche for the youngest of Spanish-speaking children.

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¡Dormiré La Siesta!

Mo Willems

Geraldo es cuidadoso. Cerdita no lo es.
Cerdita no puede evitar sonreír. Geraldo sí puede.
Geraldo se preocupa para que Cerdita no tenga que hacerlo.

Geraldo y Cerdita son mejores amigos.

En ¡Dormiré la siesta! Geraldo está cansado y gruñón. ¿Soñará con Cerdita? ¿O ella no lo dejará soñar?

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We Play Soccer / Jugamos al fútbol

René Colato Laínez

Joe speaks English. He loves soccer. José habla español. A José le gusta el fútbol. This story is in English and Spanish!

Hola, Joe. / Hi, José.
I have my uniform. /Tengo mi uniforme.
I am ready. / Estoy listo.

Two boys, an English speaker and a Spanish speaker, are on the same soccer team. They have their uniforms and their cleats. They can both juggle the ball. At first, the boys must wait on the bench. But when the coach lets them in the game, both Joe and José score goals. “We win,” says Joe. “Ganamos,” says José.

Perfect for preschoolers, kindergarteners, and first and second graders who are learning to speak or read English and Spanish. A delightful reading experience for bilingual families.

René Colato Laínez, a teacher in a bilingual kindergarten classroom, has crafted an ingenious story that authentically and naturally uses conversation to introduce children to English and Spanish. The fun friendship story engages children, while simple words, short sentences, and a glossary reinforce learning.

Nomar Perez, illustrator of best-selling children’s books as well as greeting cards, has a bright, bold, colorful, kid-pleasing style that invites readers to befriend the characters in this book.

René was raised in El Salvador and Nomar in Puerto Rico.

You will also like Let’s Be Friends, Seamos Amigos, by René Colato Laínez; illustrated by Nomar Perez.


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¿Dónde viven los animales?

Derek Harvey

13 hábitats extraordinarios, 13 historias inolvidables

Donde viven los animales te invita a recorrer los continentes en busca de los animales que los habitan. No pierdas el rastro al águila americana mientras surca majestuosamente los picos de las Montañas Rocosas; sigue la migración del ñu africano a través del parque nacional Serengueti mientras trata de cruzar peligrosos ríos bajo la mirada atenta de hambrientos depredadores; sigue el rastro del solitario leopardo del Amur (el felino más extraño del planeta) mientras acecha silenciosamente a su presa a través de los helados bosques de Siberia.

Entrañables imágenes invitan al lector a sumergirse en cada página. Las inolvidables historias en el texto narrativo le animan a pasar las páginas. Pequeñas unidades de texto informativo se aseguran de que el lector aprende mientras se divierte.

Donde viven los animales es un regalo ideal para niños de 4 a 8 años amantes de la naturaleza y la ecología, así como para inspirarles en su tareas escolares y a aprender de manera independiente en casa.

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My First Book of Vietnamese Words

Phuoc Thi Minh Tran

**2017 Freeman Book Award Honorable Mention for Children's Literature**

My First Book of Vietnamese Words is a beautifully illustrated book that introduces Vietnamese language and culture to young children through everyday words.

This Vietnamese children's book teaches in a playful way—combining the familiar ABC rhyming structure with vivid illustrations to encourage young children's natural language learning abilities. Words kids use every day in English are joined by words unique to Vietnamese culture to give kids a glimpse of Vietnamese life and to show how, despite cultural differences, children all over the world have a lot in common.

Linguistic and cultural notes are added to enhance the kids' adventure in a land that's modern yet filled with beautiful traditions.

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¡Increíble pero cierto! Cuerpo Humano


"El cuerpo humano es una asombrosa y compleja mâaquina. Cuerpo humano estâa repleto de increâibles ilustraciones en 3D que revelan el misterio de lo que sucede debajo de la piel: de la composiciâon del ADN al funcionamiento del esqueleto y los mâusculos; del cerebro y las neuronas al sistema inmunolâogico."--

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Niesamowite przygody dziesięciu skarpetek

Justyna Bednarek

"Czy nie zastanawialo Was, gdzie znikaja wrzucone do pralki skarpetki? Bo jest faktem, ze zniakja, skoro wsadzamy je parami, a wyjmujemy pojedyncze. Przynajmniej w domu Malej Be. Otóz zaginione skarpetki ruszaja w swiat, robia zawrotne kariery i maja swietne przygody: zostaja gwiazdami filmowymi, detektywami, mysimi mamami albo po prostu uszczelniaja wronie gniazdo."--

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Gdzie Jest Dory

Suzanne Francis

"Dory has always suffered from short-term memory loss. Then she suddenly remembers her parents. Join in the fun as Dory and her friends set off on an unforgettable adventure to find her family."--Record for an English edition.

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Planeta increible

Anita Ganeri

Cuando pensamos en lugares increíbles, nos viene a la mente la Torre Eiffel o el Monte Everest. Pero en nuestro planeta hay mucho más: majestuosas cascadas, espectaculares géiseres, vastos desiertos, mundos submarinos y tierras heladas...¡La Tierra en sí es un lugar extraordinario!

Este libro de referencia para niños contiene:

- Impactantes fotografías de alta calidad que te transportarán a lugares que jamás habrías imaginado
- Información sobre más de 100 lugares de todo el mundo: el Gran Agujero Azul; el Monte Roraima, el Géiser Fly...
- Mapas de localización que te muestran dónde se encuentran
- Un glosario que te ayudará a conocer nuevas palabras

Conoce la geología, la flora y la fauna que hacen que cada lugar sea único y maravilloso con este recorrido por nuestro planeta tierra. Acompaña a los niños en esta emocionante lectura y a que recorran el mundo que les rodea.


An exhilarating guided tour around the most amazing places on Earth, perfect for young adventurers with big imaginations!

Award-winning children's author Anita Ganeri takes curious kids who love learning to the most incredible locations in the world. This science book for kids includes breathtaking images and mind-blowing facts about our majestic home -- Earth!

Turn the pages to discover natural wonders, stunning vistas and other jaw-dropping places from around the world. Inside the pages of this book about Earth, you'll discover:

- Over 100 far-flung locations around the globe with areas so incredible you'll barely be able to believe they are real!
- Illustrations that explain key natural phenomena and reveal exciting, in-depth details about some of the locations you'll explore.
- A world map showing all the places together, and locator maps show where each site is in the world.

Beautiful, dazzling images and information explores why each place is unique. Delve into the science, geology, flora and fauna, as well as the historical or cultural significance of each of these natural wonders!

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The Magical Rooster

Li Jian

This beautifully illustrated multicultural children's book tells the story of a young boy and his magical rooster in both English and Chinese—a great story for Chinese New Year!

Long long ago, there lived a boy named Tang Yun. He studied very hard and was ready to take the imperial exam in the Capital City thousands of miles away. Yun's mother was worried about him traveling alone. After working day and night, she finished hand embroidering a rooster on Yun's outfit, hoping the magical rooster would be her son's guardian angel.

During his trip, magic happened whenever Yun was in danger. With a crowing of "cock-a doodle-doo," the embroidered rooster jumped out of Yun's outfit. He was alive! He was brave, timely and kind. He helped Yun overcome many obstacles during his trip. Yun arrived at the Capital City safely and successfully passed his exam with honor. He eventually reunited with his mother. They lived happily together ever after.

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Atlas de curiosidades


Todo lo que existe en el mundo, desde barcos hundidos y castillos hasta animales salvajes y huracanes, en fantásticos mapas ilustrados.

¿Dónde se encuentran los volcanes más activos? ¿Dónde está el lugar más cálido del planeta? ¿Dónde viven los multimillonarios? Un sorprendente atlas con más de 80 mapas del mundo a todo color que muestran interesantes datos curiosos.



Atlas de curiosidades es una excelente guía bellamente ilustrada y con datos asombrosos que nos muestran cómo es el planeta Tierra. ¿Sabes explicar el por qué de las franjas horarios alrededor del mundo? ¿Sabes qué es un bioma? ¿Qué porcentaje de hielo hay sobre la Tierra? ¿Sabes qué tribus existen hoy en día? Este atlas dejará a los niños entusiasmados.





Un libro juvenil rico en cultura general para que las mentes curiosas sacien de una forma educativa su interés por el conocimiento.

Atlas del mundo para niños: un recopilatorio de curiosidades asombrosas

Este atlas de mapas curiosos te llevarán a un viaje por el mundo y conocerás miles de datos demográficos, sociológicos, antropológicos, geográficos, económicos, ecológicos, artísticos y tecnológicos.

Existe vida en cada rincón del planeta; desde la cima de las montañas hasta el fondo de los océanos, y de los ardientes desiertos a las gélidas regiones polares. Cada organismo, ciclo vital y conducta, animal o vegetal, están adaptados a su hábitat, ya que ello maximiza sus posibilidades de supervivencia y sus opciones de prosperar. Descubre cómo las características de los animales están diseñadas para sobrevivir en sus hábitats dentro de la maravillosa biodiversidad. Averigua dónde viven los animales letales, cómo consiguen los pájaros realizar migraciones de miles de kilómetros o cómo aguanta un cocodrilo sin comer durante un año.

Con la ayuda de múltiples mapas del mundo, conoce al detalle cuál ha sido el impacto de los humanos en la Tierra. Desde la aparición de los humanos modernos en África hace unos 200.000 años, hemos colonizado prácticamente todo el mundo, incluso los desiertos ardientes y el gélido Ártico, y al hacerlo, nuestro impacto sobre la biosfera ha sido considerable.

Todas las respuestas están clasificadas en seis capítulos con los que conocerás la Tierra a la perfección con la visualización de múltiples atlas del mundo ilustrados y ordenados por estas temáticas:



  • Tierra, mar y aire
  • Seres vivos
  • Planeta humano
  • Ingeniería y tecnología
  • Historia
  • Cultura

  • Atlas de curiosidades pertenece a la sección infantil de la Editorial DK, una sección donde podrás encontrar libros para niños de todas las edades. Los libros de esta sección cuentan con información clara, sencilla y están acompañados de ilustraciones que facilitan la compresión de cada texto. Además, favorecen el aprendizaje y desarrollo de los lectores más jóvenes.
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Nuestra piel: una primera conversación sobre la raza

Megan Madison

This groundbreaking title in the First Conversations series is now available in Spanish! Based on the research that race, gender, consent, and body positivity should be discussed with toddlers on up, this read-aloud picture book series offers adults the opportunity to begin important conversations with young children in an informed, safe, and supported way.

¡Este innovador título de la colección Primeras conversaciones está ahora disponible en español! Esta colección de álbumes ilustrados para leer en voz alta está basada en investigaciones que revelan que, desde la primera infancia, se debe conversar con los niños sobre la raza, el género, el consentimiento y una visión positiva del cuerpo, y ofrece a los adultos la oportunidad de iniciar esas importantes conversaciones de una manera informada y segura, y con el apoyo necesario.

Developed by experts in the fields of early childhood and activism against injustice, this topic-driven picture book offers clear, concrete language and beautiful imagery that young children can grasp and adults can leverage for further discussion.

While young children are avid observers and questioners of their world, adults often shut down or postpone conversations on complicated topics because it's hard to know where to begin. Research shows that talking about issues like race and gender from the age of two not only helps children understand what they see, but also increases self-awareness, self-esteem, and allows them to recognize and confront things that are unfair, like discrimination and prejudice.

This first book in the series begins the conversation on race, with a supportive approach that considers both the child and the adult. Stunning art accompanies the simple and interactive text, and the backmatter offers additional resources and ideas for extending this discussion.

Estos álbumes ilustrados, enfocados en temas específicos y desarrollados por expertos en las áreas de primera infancia y activismo contra la injusticia, ofrecen un leguaje claro y concreto, e imágenes atractivas que los niños entenderán y los adultos podrán aprovechar para ampliar la conversación.

Los niños observan y cuestionan con avidez lo que sucede a su alrededor. Los adultos, en contraste, suelen acallar o posponer las conversaciones sobre temas complicados porque les cuesta saber por dónde empezar. Hay investigaciones que demuestran que el hablar sobre asuntos como la raza y el género desde los dos años de edad no solo ayuda a los niños a entender lo que ven sino que incrementa su autoconocimiento y autoestima y los ayuda a reconocer y confrontar cuestiones injustas, como la discriminación y los prejuicios.

Este primer libro de la colección inicia la conversación sobre la raza con una aproximación provista de apoyo que tiene en cuenta tanto al niño como al adulto. Bellas ilustraciones acompañan el texto, simple e interactivo; y al final se ofrecen recursos e ideas adicionales para ampliar la conversación.


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Ella persistió: Malala Yousafzai / She Persisted: Malala Yousafzai

Aisha Saeed

Inspired by the #1 New York Times bestseller She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton and Alexandra Boiger, a chapter book series about women who spoke up and rose up against the odds–including Malala Yousafzai!
Growing up as a girl in Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai had to fight every step of the way to get an education. After she was attacked for doing so, Malala took her fight to the world stage, pushing for the right to an education for every girl, everywhere. Her activism earned her a Nobel Peace Prize and inspired girls and women everywhere to stand up for their own rights too.
In this chapter book biography by bestselling and award-winning author Aisha Saeed, readers learn about the amazing life of Malala Yousafzai–and how she persisted.
Complete with an introduction from Chelsea Clinton, black-and-white illustrations throughout, and a list of ways that readers can follow in Malala Yousafzai’s footsteps and make a difference!
And don’t miss out on the rest of the books in the «She Persisted» series, featuring so many more women who persisted, including Coretta Scott King, Oprah Winfrey, and more!

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The Ultimate Roblox Handbook

Kevin Pettman

It's time to go pro! This independent and unofficial new Ultimate Roblox Handbook gives you the advanced skills to take your Roblox play to the next level. Roblox is promoted as a place to come and create adventures, play games, enjoy role play and learn with friends in a family-friendly environment. But even existing Roblox fans need an in-depth, accessible guide. For anyone who's looking for the next Roblox challenge, or wants to finally get to the top of the leaderboard, this pro level book is for you. Includes online etiquette tips and guides on how to stay 100% safe online.

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Build It, Win It!: an AFK Book (ROBLOX) (Media Tie-In)


A comprehensive, awesome and completely unauthorized guide to the game that has taken the world by storm: ROBLOX! Over 100 color pages of tips and tricks to help you become a Roblox master.


This 100% unofficial guide to Roblox is jam-packed with hints, tips and info on the coolest and most popular custom games! If you want to become a great game maker yourself, look no farther - ROBLOX: Build It, Win It! has everything you need to know to take your game to the top of the charts!

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Hispanic Star en español: Selena Gomez

Claudia Romo Edelman

Lee sobre Selena Gomez, quien se encuentra entre los héroes hispanos y latinos más innovadores que han forjado nuestra cultura y el mundo en Hispanic Star: Selena Gomez, uno de los libros que forma parte de la fascinante serie de biografías Hispanic Star, creada por Claudia Romo Edelman para jóvenes lectores.

Conoce a Selena Gomez, una muchacha de Grand Prairie, Texas, a quien le encantaba actuar para su familia. Su valentía, su empuje y su empatía han sido los pilares de su carrera desde sus comienzos en el programa de televisión Barney &Friends. Su ascenso a la fama de Selena la llevó de Disney Channel a ser nombrada una de las personas más influyentes del mundo por la revista Time en 2020. Emblema de su generación, Selena demuestra que debes aceptarte tal y como eres y dedicarte a las cosas que te apasionen.

Hispanic Star celebra con orgullo a los héroes latinos e hispanos que han hecho grandes
contribuciones a la cultura estadounidense y representan una fuerza indiscutible para labrar su futuro. Si puedes verlo, puedes serlo.

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Ella persistió: Diana Taurasi / She Persisted: Diana Taurasi

Monica Brown

Inspired by the #1 New York Times bestseller She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton and Alexandra Boiger, a chapter book series about women who spoke up and rose up against the odds–including Diana Taurasi!
When Diana Taurasi was a girl, professional women’s basketball didn’t exist in the US. But she worked hard to create opportunities for herself, winning championships throughout college and eventually going on to play for the WNBA with the Phoenix Mercury and winning multiple Olympic gold medals.
In this chapter book biography by award-winning author Monica Brown, readers learn about the amazing life of Diana Taurasi–and how she persisted.
Complete with an introduction from Chelsea Clinton, black-and-white illustrations throughout, and a list of ways that readers can follow in Diana Taurasi’s footsteps and make a difference!
And don’t miss out on the rest of the books in the «She Persisted» series, featuring so many more women who persisted, including Florence Griffith Joyner, Sonia Sotomayor, and more!

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Scholastic Book of World Records 2023


It's been another year of incredible facts, trends, current events, and more. Read about all the amazing world records you need to know from the past year in our world records annual, updated for 2023!


Find out amazing stats, like: - Which movie was the most success at the box office? - Whose album had the biggest hits? - Where can you find the world's oldest animal? - And a whole lot more!

This awe-inspiring updated edition of the Book of World Records comes complete with new entries in pop culture, science, tech, nature, sports, medicine, and more. This 2023 edition also includes "Trending" sections for each category, covering all the new cool social media trends, incredible stats, and facts you need to know from the past year.

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Song for Jimi

Charles R. Smith Jr.

Jimi Hendrix's talent was epic, and so is this lyrical account of his life, with spectacular artwork by Edel Rodriguez-- including a poster underneath the jacket!

From his turbulent childhood through his epical appearance at the Monterey and Woodstock festivals, Charles R. Smith Jr. covers it all in this rich and rhythmic account of a singular life, accompanied by the psychedelic splendor of Edel Rodriguez's acid-tinged artwork.

Let me tell you a story,
a story 'bout a boy,
who became a man,
a git-tar man,
named Jimi.

Written as a series of verses beginning with intro and ending with outro, this unique mix of rhythm and rhyme captures the essence of rock icon Jimi Hendrix and his struggle to live life on his own terms.

Backmatter, including a select discography, timeline of Hendrix's life, and a personal essay from the author, is included.

A Kirkus Reviews Best Picture Book of the Year
A CBC/NCSS Notable Social Studies Trade Book
A CSMCL Best Multicultural Children's Book of the Year
An Evanston Public Library Great Books for Kids pick!

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How to Survive in the Age of Dinosaurs

Stephanie Warren Drimmer

Boom, boom, BOOM … Look out! That’s a T. rex coming your way!? You’ve been transported back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. What do you do?!

Test your chops and discover if you have what it takes to survive at a time when Earth looked, well, a tad different in this ultimate survival guide to the prehistoric age.

Find out how to make it through exploding volcanoes and mega monsoons—while dodging giant Permian bugs! See how to fend off an angry pterosaur and learn what to do if you’re caught in a stampede of enormous titanosaurs. Discover what you could eat (spoiler alert: You better like the taste of insects!), and find out which hungry creatures just might try to eat you!

Packed with tips, tricks, and helpful maps, this is the ultimate handbook for dinosaur fans who want to know what life on Earth was really like when dinos ruled. Could you survive in the age of dinosaurs?

Check out these other humorous books about dinosaurs:


  • Dining With Dinosaurs by Hannah Bonner
  • Dino Records
  • Weird But True Dinosaurs


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Everyday STEM Science—Space


Discover how space is part of our daily lives with Everyday STEM Science—Space, filled with facts, stories, and experiments to try at home!

Everyone knows there are planets and stars and space rocks, but how do these, and everything else in space, affect us on Earth? From the beginning of the universe and the origins of the planets, to the latest research and space missions, journey through space and uncover what is really out there . . .

Discover how we're made of stars, find out how old you would be if you lived on Mars, and how time travel can happen in space. Plus, meet the explorers, astronomers, and scientists whose discoveries have given us this fascinating space knowledge, including Mae Jemison, Stephen Hawking, and Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin. Readers can also carry out cool astronomical experiments at home.

With easy-to-understand text written by science communicator and podcaster Izzie Clarke, and lots of colorful artworks, photos and diagrams, readers can best explore where we encounter space and why it’s even important at all.

The Everyday STEM series makes science relevant to tweens. Instead of telling kids STEM is important and is the key to their future success, these books show readers how we use science, technology, engineering, and math in our everyday lives. While the topics sound high-level and complex, this series makes these concepts age-appropriate and accessible. So, while we can’t promise to teach 9 to 11-year-olds quantum physics, we can explain in the simplest terms the practical applications of STEM.

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Laugh-Out-Loud Puns, Jokes, and Riddles for Kids

Rob Elliott

Combining over 400 of the best hand-picked jokes, puns, and riddles from three of Rob Elliott's bestselling joke books, this collection is the antidote to boring car rides, hum-drum family dinners, and those moments when kids can't find anything to do (and don't appreciate your suggestions about cleaning their rooms or taking out the trash).

Perfect for kids ages 9-12 (and, let's face it, those adults you know with that level sense of humor--maybe yourself?), this latest offering from Rob Elliott will have the whole family chuckling, guffawing, snorting milk out their noses, and making various other expressions of glee and merriment.

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Eyewitness The Civil War


North and South enter a conflict of more than 50 battles – discover how tensions exploded into a war that lasted four years.

This book takes you through the history of one of the most important times in
US history. Find out how Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860 and why he
was assassinated. Discover the horror of enslaved life, and about the Underground Railroad that helped its victims escape.

Eyewitness American Civil War shows both sides of the conflict in an equal light, allowing readers to consider all views. This museum-in-a-book uses striking full-color photographs of paintings, artifacts, and illustrations of battles, famous leaders, and much more along with amazing facts, infographics, statistics, and timelines to reveal this period of US history as never before.

Part of DK’s best-selling Eyewitness series, which is now getting an exciting makeover, this popular title has been reinvigorated for the next generation of information-seekers and stay-at-home explorers, with a fresh new look, new photographs, updated information, and a new “eyewitness feature – fascinating first-hand accounts from experts in the field.

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Thunder Underground

Jane Yolen

In this collection of poems, noted children's poet Jane Yolen takes readers on an expedition underground, exploring everything from animal burrows and human creations, like subways, near the surface—to ancient cities and fossils, lower down—to caves, magma, and Earth's tectonic plates, deeper still below our feet. At the same time, in Josée Masse's rich art, a girl and boy, accompanied by several animals, go on a fantastic underground journey. This book contains science, poetry, and an adventure story all rolled into one. But it's also more than that: In these poems we see that beneath us are the past, present, future—history, truth, and story. This thought-provoking collection will evoke a sense of wonder and awe in readers, as they discover the mysterious world underneath us.

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Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe

Ryan G. Van Cleave

In this gorgeous collection, twenty-five of Poe's most beloved works are each illustrated with stunning, full-color collage artwork.

Poems include "The Raven," "The Bells," and many others. Brief commentary and helpful definitions accompany each poem, making The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe among the most accessible--and beautiful--introductions to Edgar Allan Poe available.

From the Introduction:

SUGGESTION 1: Enjoy the poems. This seems far more important than trying to puzzle out what the author meant (or what other people believe the author meant).

SUGGESTION 2: Engage with the poems by asking questions....

SUGGESTION 3: Be your own boss. Read the poems in order or jump around as you see fit. Share them or savor them all by yourself. Say them aloud or whisper their words in your heart.

Poetry makes life better. There is NO wrong way to experience a poem.

So, read on, dear friend. And thank you for choosing poetry.

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My Pokémon Cookbook

Victoria Rosenthal

Learn to make delicious foods inspired by the amazing world of Pokémon!

Explore culinary delights from across the Pokémon universe in this official cookbook. Featuring favorite flavors from every region, dive into dishes that celebrate the world of Pokémon and fuel up for your next battle! Perfect for fans of all ages, My Pokémon Cookbook is the perfect addition to any Pokémon Trainer’s kitchen.

45+ RECIPES: With quick snacks you can enjoy before a battle, to epic meals fit for a post-tournament celebration, My Pokémon Cookbook includes recipes for every occasion.

REGIONAL SPECIALTIES: Explore favorite flavors inspired by every region, including the newest, Galar!

FAVORITE CHARACTERS: Create dishes inspired by Pikachu, Charizard, Umbreon, and more.

INSPIRING PHOTOGRAPHY: Gorgeous photos of finished recipes help ensure success.

FOR EVERY SKILL LEVEL: With step-by-step directions and beautiful photos, learn to make iconic foods that bring the lush culinary landscape of Pokémon to life.

COMPLETE YOUR LIBRARY: Pokémon Wisdom: A Journal for Embracing Your Inner Trainer also available!

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Who Is Steven Spielberg?

Stephanie Spinner

While other kids played sports, Steven Spielberg was writing scripts and figuring out camera angles.  He went from entertaining his Boy Scout troop with home movies to amazing audiences around the world with epic blockbusters. He has directed four of the most successful films of all time and has won two Academy Awards for Best Director.  From Jaws to Lincoln, young readers and aspiring filmmakers will be fascinated by the life of this famous director.

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Not Done Yet

Tameka Fryer Brown

Shirley Chisholm was a natural-born fighter. She didn't like to be bossed and she wanted things to be fair.

Brooklyn-born Shirley Chisholm was smart and ambitious. She poured her energy into whatever she did--from teaching young children to becoming Brooklyn's first Black assemblywoman. Not afraid to blaze a trail, she became the first Black woman elected to Congress and the first woman to seriously run for US president. With a vision of liberty and justice for all, she worked for equal rights, for the environment, for children, and for health care. Even now, her legacy lives on and inspires others to continue her work . . . which is not done yet.

Stirring free verse by Tameka Fryer Brown and evocative illustrations by Nina Crews provide an inspirational look at changemaker Shirley Chisholm.

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Not Done Yet

Tameka Fryer Brown

Shirley Chisholm was a natural-born fighter. She didn't like to be bossed and she wanted things to be fair.

Brooklyn-born Shirley Chisholm was smart and ambitious. She poured her energy into whatever she did--from teaching young children to becoming Brooklyn's first Black assemblywoman. Not afraid to blaze a trail, she became the first Black woman elected to Congress and the first woman to seriously run for US president. With a vision of liberty and justice for all, she worked for equal rights, for the environment, for children, and for health care. Even now, her legacy lives on and inspires others to continue her work . . . which is not done yet.

Stirring free verse by Tameka Fryer Brown and evocative illustrations by Nina Crews provide an inspirational look at changemaker Shirley Chisholm.

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Who Is Steven Spielberg?

Stephanie Spinner

While other kids played sports, Steven Spielberg was writing scripts and figuring out camera angles.  He went from entertaining his Boy Scout troop with home movies to amazing audiences around the world with epic blockbusters. He has directed four of the most successful films of all time and has won two Academy Awards for Best Director.  From Jaws to Lincoln, young readers and aspiring filmmakers will be fascinated by the life of this famous director.

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My Pokémon Cookbook

Victoria Rosenthal

Learn to make delicious foods inspired by the amazing world of Pokémon!

Explore culinary delights from across the Pokémon universe in this official cookbook. Featuring favorite flavors from every region, dive into dishes that celebrate the world of Pokémon and fuel up for your next battle! Perfect for fans of all ages, My Pokémon Cookbook is the perfect addition to any Pokémon Trainer’s kitchen.

45+ RECIPES: With quick snacks you can enjoy before a battle, to epic meals fit for a post-tournament celebration, My Pokémon Cookbook includes recipes for every occasion.

REGIONAL SPECIALTIES: Explore favorite flavors inspired by every region, including the newest, Galar!

FAVORITE CHARACTERS: Create dishes inspired by Pikachu, Charizard, Umbreon, and more.

INSPIRING PHOTOGRAPHY: Gorgeous photos of finished recipes help ensure success.

FOR EVERY SKILL LEVEL: With step-by-step directions and beautiful photos, learn to make iconic foods that bring the lush culinary landscape of Pokémon to life.

COMPLETE YOUR LIBRARY: Pokémon Wisdom: A Journal for Embracing Your Inner Trainer also available!

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Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe

Ryan G. Van Cleave

In this gorgeous collection, twenty-five of Poe's most beloved works are each illustrated with stunning, full-color collage artwork.

Poems include "The Raven," "The Bells," and many others. Brief commentary and helpful definitions accompany each poem, making The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe among the most accessible--and beautiful--introductions to Edgar Allan Poe available.

From the Introduction:

SUGGESTION 1: Enjoy the poems. This seems far more important than trying to puzzle out what the author meant (or what other people believe the author meant).

SUGGESTION 2: Engage with the poems by asking questions....

SUGGESTION 3: Be your own boss. Read the poems in order or jump around as you see fit. Share them or savor them all by yourself. Say them aloud or whisper their words in your heart.

Poetry makes life better. There is NO wrong way to experience a poem.

So, read on, dear friend. And thank you for choosing poetry.

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Thunder Underground

Jane Yolen

In this collection of poems, noted children's poet Jane Yolen takes readers on an expedition underground, exploring everything from animal burrows and human creations, like subways, near the surface—to ancient cities and fossils, lower down—to caves, magma, and Earth's tectonic plates, deeper still below our feet. At the same time, in Josée Masse's rich art, a girl and boy, accompanied by several animals, go on a fantastic underground journey. This book contains science, poetry, and an adventure story all rolled into one. But it's also more than that: In these poems we see that beneath us are the past, present, future—history, truth, and story. This thought-provoking collection will evoke a sense of wonder and awe in readers, as they discover the mysterious world underneath us.

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Courage Out Loud

Joseph Coelho

From the fantastic duo behind Poems Aloud and Smile Out Loud comes another compendium of 25 original confidence-building poems to read out loud which will show children that their voice has FANTASTIC power.

From multi-award winning poet and Waterstones Children's Laureate Joseph Coelho comes 25 more brilliant, sparkling and truly original poems for children, specially written to help build confidence, develop speaking skills and help foster self-belief.

The collection contains mantras to be true to yourself, to help you feel brave, project happiness, conjure a smile, make you laugh or cheer others up. Some are odes, some can be said as personal mantras or just poems that instil confidence and help children realise the power of their voices. 

Reading these poems aloud will teach children the power of a poem, encouraging them to explore the magic of language and foster a love of verse.

This book follows on from Poems Aloud and Smile Out Loudthe hugely succesful books from Joseph Coehlo,illustrated in beautifully vivid color by Daniel Gray-Barnett. These books have inspired thousands of young readers at home and in classrooms to speak up and love the power of their own voice.

"Poetry for children is dead. Really? Not when there are young poets like Joseph Coelho"Books for Keeps
"A fresh new voice in Children's poetry"
- Roger McGough

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A Year of Good News

Martin Smatana

Are you one of those people who feel that over the last few years we have had more than our fair share of bad news? This fabulous gift book is a perfect antidote to bad news stories. Filled with happiness and positivity, this celebrates the good things in life, and puts a smile on any reader's face!

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El año en que aprendimos a volar

Jacqueline Woodson


Los creadores del best seller número 1 del New York Times The Day You Begin se unen de nuevo para deslumbrar a los lectores con una historia que rinde homenaje al poder que hay en cada uno de nosotros para soñar algo y hacerlo realidad.

En un día triste y aburrido, un hermano y una hermana prestan atención al consejo de su abuela:
«Utilicen esas mentes hermosas y brillantes que tienen. Alcen los brazos, cierren los ojos, respiren profundo y crean en algo. En algún lugar, en algún momento, alguien estuvo tan aburrido como ustedes ahora».

Y antes de que se den cuenta, su imaginación los eleva y los saca del aburrimiento. Luego, en un día lleno de peleas, siguen el consejo de Abuela y descubren que son capaces de dejar atrás su ira. Esta preciosa habilidad, les dice su abuela, se remonta a días mucho antes de que nacieran, cuando sus antepasados mostraron al mundo la fuerza y la resistencia de sus hermosas y brillantes mentes.


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El año en que aprendimos a volar

Jacqueline Woodson


Los creadores del best seller número 1 del New York Times The Day You Begin se unen de nuevo para deslumbrar a los lectores con una historia que rinde homenaje al poder que hay en cada uno de nosotros para soñar algo y hacerlo realidad.

En un día triste y aburrido, un hermano y una hermana prestan atención al consejo de su abuela:
«Utilicen esas mentes hermosas y brillantes que tienen. Alcen los brazos, cierren los ojos, respiren profundo y crean en algo. En algún lugar, en algún momento, alguien estuvo tan aburrido como ustedes ahora».

Y antes de que se den cuenta, su imaginación los eleva y los saca del aburrimiento. Luego, en un día lleno de peleas, siguen el consejo de Abuela y descubren que son capaces de dejar atrás su ira. Esta preciosa habilidad, les dice su abuela, se remonta a días mucho antes de que nacieran, cuando sus antepasados mostraron al mundo la fuerza y la resistencia de sus hermosas y brillantes mentes.


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A Year of Good News

Martin Smatana

Are you one of those people who feel that over the last few years we have had more than our fair share of bad news? This fabulous gift book is a perfect antidote to bad news stories. Filled with happiness and positivity, this celebrates the good things in life, and puts a smile on any reader's face!

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Courage Out Loud

Joseph Coelho

From the fantastic duo behind Poems Aloud and Smile Out Loud comes another compendium of 25 original confidence-building poems to read out loud which will show children that their voice has FANTASTIC power.

From multi-award winning poet and Waterstones Children's Laureate Joseph Coelho comes 25 more brilliant, sparkling and truly original poems for children, specially written to help build confidence, develop speaking skills and help foster self-belief.

The collection contains mantras to be true to yourself, to help you feel brave, project happiness, conjure a smile, make you laugh or cheer others up. Some are odes, some can be said as personal mantras or just poems that instil confidence and help children realise the power of their voices. 

Reading these poems aloud will teach children the power of a poem, encouraging them to explore the magic of language and foster a love of verse.

This book follows on from Poems Aloud and Smile Out Loudthe hugely succesful books from Joseph Coehlo,illustrated in beautifully vivid color by Daniel Gray-Barnett. These books have inspired thousands of young readers at home and in classrooms to speak up and love the power of their own voice.

"Poetry for children is dead. Really? Not when there are young poets like Joseph Coelho"Books for Keeps
"A fresh new voice in Children's poetry"
- Roger McGough

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Thunder Underground

Jane Yolen

In this collection of poems, noted children's poet Jane Yolen takes readers on an expedition underground, exploring everything from animal burrows and human creations, like subways, near the surface—to ancient cities and fossils, lower down—to caves, magma, and Earth's tectonic plates, deeper still below our feet. At the same time, in Josée Masse's rich art, a girl and boy, accompanied by several animals, go on a fantastic underground journey. This book contains science, poetry, and an adventure story all rolled into one. But it's also more than that: In these poems we see that beneath us are the past, present, future—history, truth, and story. This thought-provoking collection will evoke a sense of wonder and awe in readers, as they discover the mysterious world underneath us.

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Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe

Ryan G. Van Cleave

In this gorgeous collection, twenty-five of Poe's most beloved works are each illustrated with stunning, full-color collage artwork.

Poems include "The Raven," "The Bells," and many others. Brief commentary and helpful definitions accompany each poem, making The Illustrated Edgar Allan Poe among the most accessible--and beautiful--introductions to Edgar Allan Poe available.

From the Introduction:

SUGGESTION 1: Enjoy the poems. This seems far more important than trying to puzzle out what the author meant (or what other people believe the author meant).

SUGGESTION 2: Engage with the poems by asking questions....

SUGGESTION 3: Be your own boss. Read the poems in order or jump around as you see fit. Share them or savor them all by yourself. Say them aloud or whisper their words in your heart.

Poetry makes life better. There is NO wrong way to experience a poem.

So, read on, dear friend. And thank you for choosing poetry.

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My Pokémon Cookbook

Victoria Rosenthal

Learn to make delicious foods inspired by the amazing world of Pokémon!

Explore culinary delights from across the Pokémon universe in this official cookbook. Featuring favorite flavors from every region, dive into dishes that celebrate the world of Pokémon and fuel up for your next battle! Perfect for fans of all ages, My Pokémon Cookbook is the perfect addition to any Pokémon Trainer’s kitchen.

45+ RECIPES: With quick snacks you can enjoy before a battle, to epic meals fit for a post-tournament celebration, My Pokémon Cookbook includes recipes for every occasion.

REGIONAL SPECIALTIES: Explore favorite flavors inspired by every region, including the newest, Galar!

FAVORITE CHARACTERS: Create dishes inspired by Pikachu, Charizard, Umbreon, and more.

INSPIRING PHOTOGRAPHY: Gorgeous photos of finished recipes help ensure success.

FOR EVERY SKILL LEVEL: With step-by-step directions and beautiful photos, learn to make iconic foods that bring the lush culinary landscape of Pokémon to life.

COMPLETE YOUR LIBRARY: Pokémon Wisdom: A Journal for Embracing Your Inner Trainer also available!

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Who Is Steven Spielberg?

Stephanie Spinner

While other kids played sports, Steven Spielberg was writing scripts and figuring out camera angles.  He went from entertaining his Boy Scout troop with home movies to amazing audiences around the world with epic blockbusters. He has directed four of the most successful films of all time and has won two Academy Awards for Best Director.  From Jaws to Lincoln, young readers and aspiring filmmakers will be fascinated by the life of this famous director.

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Not Done Yet

Tameka Fryer Brown

Shirley Chisholm was a natural-born fighter. She didn't like to be bossed and she wanted things to be fair.

Brooklyn-born Shirley Chisholm was smart and ambitious. She poured her energy into whatever she did--from teaching young children to becoming Brooklyn's first Black assemblywoman. Not afraid to blaze a trail, she became the first Black woman elected to Congress and the first woman to seriously run for US president. With a vision of liberty and justice for all, she worked for equal rights, for the environment, for children, and for health care. Even now, her legacy lives on and inspires others to continue her work . . . which is not done yet.

Stirring free verse by Tameka Fryer Brown and evocative illustrations by Nina Crews provide an inspirational look at changemaker Shirley Chisholm.

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Seeds, Bees, Butterflies, and More!

Carole Gerber

A honeybee and a bumblebee have a chat.
A rose offers a worm a bit of its compost.
A mouse assures a root of its importance.

These fun rhyming poems for two voices are blooming, bursting, and buzzing with personality. Eugene Yelchin's stunning illustrations beautifully accent Carole Gerber's unusual conversations. Together, they offer a close-up view of the plant and insect worlds, with an amazing amount of information about them.

All around us, under our feet, thousands of interactions and transformations are taking place. This book gives the reader a chance to listen in.

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Family Poems for Every Day of the Week

Francisco X. Alarcón

Junior Library Guild Selection

A bilingual poetry collection by the late Francisco X. Alarcón, acclaimed Chicano poet, celebrating the days of the week and everyday childhood experiences.

Una colección bilingüe de poesía del difunto Francisco X. Alarcón, aclamado poeta chicano, que celebra los días de la semana y las experiencias cotidianas de la infancia.​

Get ready for a bilingual collection of poems that takes us through the week day by day! Children spend Sunday visiting their grandparents, play with school friends on Monday, daydream on Tuesday, eat popcorn at the local market on Wednesday, and more, until we arrive at Saturday, when they get to play nonstop all day. Along the way, we also learn how the names of the seven days came to be.

Partly based on the real life experiences of Alarcón's own family, this festive, celebratory collection of poems highlights the daily life of children while also honoring the experiences of the poet's Latino family in the United States. With their vibrant illustrations, artist Maya Gonzalez has created a loving tribute to childhood, to family, and to beloved poet Francisco Alarcón.

¡Prepárate para una colección de poemas bilingüe que nos lleva a través de la semana día a día! Los niños pasan el domingo visitando a sus abuelos, juegan con los amigos de la escuela el lunes, sueñan despiertos el martes, comen palomitas de maíz en el mercado local el miércoles y más, hasta que llegamos al sábado, cuando se ponen a jugar sin parar todo el día. En el camino, también aprendemos cómo llegaron a ser los nombres de los siete días.

Basada en parte en las experiencias de la vida real de la propia familia de Alarcón, esta colección de poemas festivos destaca la vida cotidiana de los niños y al mismo tiempo honra las experiencias de la familia latina del poeta en los Estados Unidos. Con sus vibrantes ilustraciones, artista Maya Gonzalez ha creado un amoroso tributo a la infancia, a la familia y al amado poeta Francisco Alarcón.

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Did You Hear What I Heard?

Kay Winters

A joyful, poetic celebration of kindergarten and first grade

Poet Kay Winters has written a book of zippy poems centering on the triumphs and trials of those first school years. This cheery collection covers an astonishing range of activities from the anticipated--dashing to the bus and science class discoveries--to the completely unexpected--losing a permission slip and seeing a teacher outside the classroom. Patrice Barton's sweetly smudgy watercolor illustrations show a wonderfully diverse class of young students, making this an ideal selection for every collection.

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No More Poems!

Rhett Miller

Acclaimed singer-songwriter Rhett Miller teams up with Caldecott Medalist and bestselling artist Dan Santat in a riotous collection of irreverent poems for modern families.

In the tradition of Shel Silverstein, these poems bring a fresh new twist to the classic dilemmas of childhood as well as a perceptive eye to the foibles of modern family life. Full of clever wordplay and bright visual gags--and toilet humor to spare--these twenty-three rhyming poems make for an ideal read-aloud experience.

Taking on the subjects of a bullying baseball coach and annoying little brothers with equally sly humor, renowned lyricist Rhett Miller's clever verses will have the whole family cackling.

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Julie Paschkis

Playful poems and facts celebrate the colors of the rainbow in this beautiful nonfiction picture book.

Orange you sweet? Orange you plump and juicy? Orange you my favorite fruit?
Hey - you’re a tangerine!

With information about the science of sight and perception, pigment origins in art and textiles, colloquial expressions and word associations, there's so much to see in each vivid spread—a wonderfully sensory read.


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Every Day, Chemistry

Julia Sooy

A mother and daughter go about their day as chemical reactions in their everyday lives occur around them in Everyday Chemistry, a nonfiction picture book by writer Julia Sooy and illustrator Bonnie Pang.

Science is all around us in our daily lives. Specifically, chemistry! When your bread toasts, when your shampoo foams, when the playground slide rusts--those are all chemical reactions. In this book, a mother and daughter expereince all these things and more as they go about their day, from when they wake up, to when they go to bed.

This story is a great way to introduce young readers into the world of science!

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13 Ways to Eat a Fly

Sue Heavenrich

Thirteen flies become tasty snacks in this clever reverse counting book about subtraction, predators, and prey.

Science meets subtraction in this fresh and funny STEM picture book with plenty of ewww factor to please young readers. A swarm of thirteen flies buzzes along, losing one member to each predator along the way. Whether the unfortunate insects are zapped or wrapped, liquefied or zombified, the science is real--and hilariously gross. Includes a guide to eating bugs, complete with nutritional information for a single serving of flies.

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First Friend

Kersten Hamilton

With lyrical text by Kersten Hamilton and luminous illustrations by Jaime Kim, First Friend is an exploration of how the wild wolves became dogs, and how we learned to communicate and grow alongside the creatures we love.

Long, long ago, when the world was new. . .a girl met a pup.

In those days, everyone knew that wolves and children could not be friends. Still, they learned from each other—how to hunt, how to trade, how to survive, how to play. And years and years went by, and the world spun and changed. And then—a boy fished with a wolf, and a girl traded with a wild dog, and animal and human grew up side by side. . .into the best friends we are today.

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Bear Builds a House

Maxwell Eaton, III

Bear’s next project is her most ambitious one yet, she’s going to build a house! But can she and her friends finish before winter sets in?

The bear from Maxwell Eaton’s Bear Goes Sugaring returns in this fascinating follow-up, and this time, she’s going to build a house entirely from scratch! To do so, she’ll need time, careful planning, sturdy materials, and a whole lot of help from. . . most of her friends.

Readers will see a house built before their very eyes as they are guided through detailed descriptions of each step in the construction process, from site selection, to chopping trees to make wooden planks, to laying down foundations, insulation, and power and plumbing. Key to the process is Bear’s attention to sustainable architecture, an excellent lesson for kids who want to learn about clean energy and sustainable planning.

As in Bear Goes Sugaring, readers will love Maxwell Eaton’s humorous approach to a serious subject and the antics and funny dialogue that Bear’s animal cohorts contribute.

A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection

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Dear Treefrog

Joyce Sidman

Capturing the joy of finding a kindred spirit, this stunning picture book by Newbery Honor-winning poet Joyce Sidman tells the story of a lonely girl moving into a new home and the little treefrog that helps her connect to the beautiful world around her. Perfect for fans of A Butterfly Is Patient and They Saw a Cat.

I See You
among the tangled green
a tiny dollop of
where before
there was only leaf

. . . Are you new here too?

When a shy girl moves to a strange new home, she discovers a treefrog perched in a secret spot nearby and learns that sometimes, all it takes to connect with the people and the world around us is a little patience, a curious mind, and a willingness to see the world through a different perspective than your own. With beautiful gouache illustrations by Diana Sudyka and magical, perceptive poems from Newbery Honor-winning author Joyce Sidman, the lives of one tree frog and the girl who discovers it converge, bringing solace, courage, and joy in finding a kindred spirit.

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Beginner's World Atlas, 5th Edition

National Geographic

Get ready for a trip around the world with the fifth edition of National Geographic Kids Beginner's World Atlas, the premier atlas for young explorers looking to learn more about the wondrous planet we inhabit.

In this new edition, the map experts at National Geographic have worked with a geography educator to provide:
-Large, colorful maps specifically created for readers 7 to 10 years old
-Updated facts and statistics about the world's land, people, and animals
-Bright, bold photographs
-Information on what a map is and how to read a map key
-A useful glossary, metric conversion chart, and index
-The most up-to-date, relevant information about the world at an age-appropriate level

The perfect reference for kids to learn about lands close to home or oceans away--ideal for classroom use, homework help, and armchair exploration!

Complete or supplement your atlas collection with the National Geographic Kids Beginner's United States Atlas (3rd edition). And for older readers, don't miss the National Geographic Kids World Atlas (6th edition), the National Geographic Kids United States Atlas (6th edition), and the National Geographic Kids Student World Atlas (6th edition).



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Roblox Character Encyclopedia


A compilation of colourful characters from the world of Roblox

Learn everything there is to know about the inhabitants of the Roblox universe, from legendary developers and iconic game characters to YouTube stars and renowned staff members.

There are over 100 different characters featured in the official Roblox Character Encyclopedia. Each profile details everything there is to know about the character, including their official biography, the games they love and even the avatar items they wear, so readers can mimic the style of their favourite Roblox personality.

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Human Kindness

John Francis

Be inspired by incredible stories of kindness from around the world, and throughout history.

Join the Planetwalker, John Francis, on an exploration of kindness, great and small. From the kindness John has experienced in his own life, to the history of how kindness has helped to shape our laws, morals, and communities, read many inspirational stories from around the world.

Over the whole history of humankind, kindness has been key to the survival of our species, and to making our world a better place. Learn about Harriet Tubman, who risked her life to help others escape from slavery, the Nomads Clinic, which sends doctors trekking into the Himalayas to tend to patients, The Linda Lindas, a group of young musicians who use their talent to speak up for the rights of others, Joshua Coombes, a hairdresser who gives free haircuts to the homeless, and many others. The joyous and awe-inspiring stories in this book will encourage young readers to be kind to others. And being kind, even in small ways, turns out to be healthy for you, yet another reason to practice kindness every day. It's our planet to share together--let's be kind.

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Roblox Character Encyclopedia


A compilation of colourful characters from the world of Roblox

Learn everything there is to know about the inhabitants of the Roblox universe, from legendary developers and iconic game characters to YouTube stars and renowned staff members.

There are over 100 different characters featured in the official Roblox Character Encyclopedia. Each profile details everything there is to know about the character, including their official biography, the games they love and even the avatar items they wear, so readers can mimic the style of their favourite Roblox personality.

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Beginner's World Atlas, 5th Edition

National Geographic

Get ready for a trip around the world with the fifth edition of National Geographic Kids Beginner's World Atlas, the premier atlas for young explorers looking to learn more about the wondrous planet we inhabit.

In this new edition, the map experts at National Geographic have worked with a geography educator to provide:
-Large, colorful maps specifically created for readers 7 to 10 years old
-Updated facts and statistics about the world's land, people, and animals
-Bright, bold photographs
-Information on what a map is and how to read a map key
-A useful glossary, metric conversion chart, and index
-The most up-to-date, relevant information about the world at an age-appropriate level

The perfect reference for kids to learn about lands close to home or oceans away--ideal for classroom use, homework help, and armchair exploration!

Complete or supplement your atlas collection with the National Geographic Kids Beginner's United States Atlas (3rd edition). And for older readers, don't miss the National Geographic Kids World Atlas (6th edition), the National Geographic Kids United States Atlas (6th edition), and the National Geographic Kids Student World Atlas (6th edition).



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First Friend

Kersten Hamilton

With lyrical text by Kersten Hamilton and luminous illustrations by Jaime Kim, First Friend is an exploration of how the wild wolves became dogs, and how we learned to communicate and grow alongside the creatures we love.

Long, long ago, when the world was new. . .a girl met a pup.

In those days, everyone knew that wolves and children could not be friends. Still, they learned from each other—how to hunt, how to trade, how to survive, how to play. And years and years went by, and the world spun and changed. And then—a boy fished with a wolf, and a girl traded with a wild dog, and animal and human grew up side by side. . .into the best friends we are today.

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13 Ways to Eat a Fly

Sue Heavenrich

Thirteen flies become tasty snacks in this clever reverse counting book about subtraction, predators, and prey.

Science meets subtraction in this fresh and funny STEM picture book with plenty of ewww factor to please young readers. A swarm of thirteen flies buzzes along, losing one member to each predator along the way. Whether the unfortunate insects are zapped or wrapped, liquefied or zombified, the science is real--and hilariously gross. Includes a guide to eating bugs, complete with nutritional information for a single serving of flies.

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Human Kindness

John Francis

Be inspired by incredible stories of kindness from around the world, and throughout history.

Join the Planetwalker, John Francis, on an exploration of kindness, great and small. From the kindness John has experienced in his own life, to the history of how kindness has helped to shape our laws, morals, and communities, read many inspirational stories from around the world.

Over the whole history of humankind, kindness has been key to the survival of our species, and to making our world a better place. Learn about Harriet Tubman, who risked her life to help others escape from slavery, the Nomads Clinic, which sends doctors trekking into the Himalayas to tend to patients, The Linda Lindas, a group of young musicians who use their talent to speak up for the rights of others, Joshua Coombes, a hairdresser who gives free haircuts to the homeless, and many others. The joyous and awe-inspiring stories in this book will encourage young readers to be kind to others. And being kind, even in small ways, turns out to be healthy for you, yet another reason to practice kindness every day. It's our planet to share together--let's be kind.

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