Six of Crows: Teen Book Review


Leigh Bardugo

Genre: Fantasy, LGBTQ+


Plot: Kaz Brekker, a feared gang leader, is given the job of breaking into the most secure building in the world and stealing a wanted man, who is the creator of a drug that will change everything. He assembles a team of five other outcasts, each with their own problems to complete the job and collect the huge reward. Unfortunately, they must overcome many challenges on the way: they have to outrun rivals, deal with past trauma, and keep each other safe, all while staying under the radar of the government. Deals are broken, plans are rethought, and many other surprises await these six. Will they make it in time?

Review: I love this book. There is no other book that includes such a well-orchestrated diverse group of characters. This book shines a new light on disabilities, both mental and physical, without making them the main theme of the story. This is a must-read book for any fantasy-loving teen, it has an addicting plot with twists and turns at every corner. Trust me, you'll love it.



~Natalia, Teen Book Reviewer

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